Happy Holidays!

December 17, 2022: Hi all. I'm still here, just been very busy (who of us is not?) I'm working on updating Maison Newton bit by bit, it's been awhile since I changed things up. Happy Holidays to all, soon the Winter Solstice will arrive and then the days will start to get longer once again, hooray!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Winter Refuses to Leave!

Southeast Wisconsin - what can I say?  I'm going to sit down at my kitchen table and try to get the rest of my tax returns for federal and state done today.  UGH!  I was going to go to the Post Office tomorrow to mail them certified mail, but I think I'll wait until this late "spring but actually winter" storm passes, which it is supposed to do on Tuesday, the filing deadline day.  UGH! 

Right on schedule as forecast, the storm hit here Friday afternoon with strong gusting winds, dropping temperatures, and torrential downpours.  Saturday - pretty much the same.  This morning, not a surprise since it had been forecast - ice storms and snow, including lake-effect snow - heavy snow.  Gee thanks, Lake Michigan (NOT!)  More of the same forecast for tomorrow.

Tuesday is supposed to warm into the 40s and hopefully all of this crud will melt, because it certainly isn't going to be ice-picked away by me, for sure!  A couple spring-time in SE Wisconsin photos for your viewing enjoyment.  I took these about 9 a.m.:

Looking northwest out of my front door.

Looking southwest out of my front door.
Three of my intreped squirrel tribe members, munching on hazelnuts by my Shezebo.
(Been feeding my tribe since 6:30 a.m. - they're coming in shifts today).
Once I get my 2017 income taxes done (yep, I figure only another 12 hours aughtta do it) later today, I promise I'll do some updating around here.  I was going to change out the photo collage at the top of the blog, for instance, for something more "spring-like," but not much in the mood for that today...