Happy Holidays!

December 17, 2022: Hi all. I'm still here, just been very busy (who of us is not?) I'm working on updating Maison Newton bit by bit, it's been awhile since I changed things up. Happy Holidays to all, soon the Winter Solstice will arrive and then the days will start to get longer once again, hooray!

Friday, February 10, 2012

180 Degree Turn!


I've decided to change the focus of this blog to include decorating and also my quest to research my family tree as well as this curse, or blessing, or whatever the hell it is, the re-awakening of an interest in looking stylish, too.  And being bitchy about it all.

I don't even know where to begin but begin I shall - later on.  Right now I'm watching "Who Do You Think You Are" and after that I'll be watching "Grimm" and after that I'll be entirely rearranging my bedroom :)  I shall try to remember to take "before" and "after" photos!

But first and foremost, I'm starving and I've got a "diet" (gasp!  I said a bad word!) frozen entree in the microwave and it just beeped at me.

Later, darlings!

P.S.  New template being used. That is a photo of my house, Maison Newton, taken in I think April, 2011.

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