Happy Holidays!

December 17, 2022: Hi all. I'm still here, just been very busy (who of us is not?) I'm working on updating Maison Newton bit by bit, it's been awhile since I changed things up. Happy Holidays to all, soon the Winter Solstice will arrive and then the days will start to get longer once again, hooray!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Lace Curtain for the Bathroom


While I'm waiting for the two pair of Ikea Vivan curtains to finish in the washing machine, in preparation for drying, ironing and finally getting them up on the windows in my bedroom to join the two pair on each window that are already in place (I want a full, Full, FULL look), here ia a quick post, one of the things that I dinked around doing at Maison Newton today.

I've been thinking about this for awhile -- replacing the hand towel I'd tacked up over the regular glass in the upper part of the bathroom window to block out summer sun and any wandering eyes -- with something lighter and, well, prettier.  This is a chess goddess wannabe's house, after all, and I'm not adverse to adding a little frou frou as needed.

This is a listing photo of the bathroom:

This is a photograph of the bathroom window taken in early August, about a month after I'd moved in:

It's not glass block (I'm not a fan of glass block windows in the bathroom).  The window can be opened from the bottom or top to let in summertime breezes.  The bottom part of the glass is frosted and quite opaque (I've checked from the outside) but the upper half of the window is regular, clear glass.

During the summer, the eastern and southeastern sun blasted into the room full force through the upper window, despite the large tree in the background, quickly heating the small space.  While there are no second story windows over-looking my bathroom window, the thought of not having some kind of covering on the upper clear glass part gave me the creeps.  I can attest to people who either deliberately, or out of ignorance, give neighbors more than what they'd ever want to see of private goings-on in their bathroom.  Holy Hathor!  The house on the other side of my back yard to the east, for instance.  It doesn't appear that their bathroom window is frosted at all, bottom or top.  I can't help but see it.  It's higher up than my "privacy" fence and overlooks my backyard, and my patio door with a clear view from my dinette area.  There are no curtains or shades on that window.  YIKES. I wince every morning when I opened up my patio blinds and get ready to toss out bird seed for the birdies and nuts for the squirrels, for more often than not, Mr. Neighbor is in the shower right in front of that damn uncovered window.  REALLY?!? 

While Mr. Neighbor (and Mrs. Neighbor, or maybe she's Ms. Girlfriend), are perfectly willing to give anyone with eyes that happen to glance in that direction a free show, this femme is NOT!  So, a few months ago, I did this:

It's a hand towel tacked up around the window frame.  It worked perfectly during the summer to cut down on the light and solar heat gain.  But this time of year, and the time of year coming just around the bend, it blocks too much light and the now welcome solar heat gain!

I wanted to put up something pretty, frilly, lacey, feminine.  I had all sorts of ideas, but with the budget for such thrills and frills tight to non-existent, I had to face reality and work with something I already had.

How about a 25 year old Shari lace panel from J.C. Penney?  Hey, it works for me.

Sorry, bad blogger that I am, I did not take "in progress" pictures of going up and down the little ladder and standing on the toilet and stretching to tack the curtains up at the ceiling line with a broken hammer -- not sure how I would have staged that in any event, as I'm the only person here doing all of this, LOL!  And then tacking and untacking three or four times until I was more or less satisfied with the result.  This is what I ended up with (for now):

I'm not sure I like it.  I wanted to stretch it to the ceiling because it definitely does draw the eye upward when you walk into the bathroom.  The window is directly opposite the doorway, you can't help but see it. 

Yep, not sure I like it.  Maybe I need to put a couple more tacks in on the top and smallify the fabric scoops.  Or maybe I just need to let it hang down and tie it back to one side?  But which side -- shower side or toilet side?  The space is tight, either way.  Hmmm....

That's it for now.  The curtains are finished in the dryer, time to iron and get those babies up on the rods before it gets dark -- in less than an hour now, eek!

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